Uniform & Sportswear
Main School Uniform
Our main School uniform must be purchased from our authorised supplier, Stevensons, and is available for online purchase from their website. Items of clothing brought into School must be named clearly, whether uniform or personal clothing.
Stevensons can be contacted directly with any questions or queries you may have. Their offices are open Monday-Saturday, 0900-1700hrs.
Website: www.stevensons.co.uk
Email: customerservices@stevensons.co.uk
Tel: 01727 815700
Sports kit is provided by Grays TeamSports and can be purchased directly via their website here.
Grays TeamSports can be contacted directly with any questions or queries you may have via their online contact form.
Uniform Lists
Second-Hand Uniform
The Friends of the Duke of York’s Royal Military School operate a well-organised second-hand uniform and sportswear store, offering families an opportunity to acquire School attire and sportswear at affordable prices. Additionally, it serves as a platform for parents to donate certain clothing items, contributing to fundraising efforts for the School.
To inquire about the availability of current second-hand uniform and/or sportswear, please complete the order form provided below and send to schooluniform@doyrms.com.
All second-hand uniform and sportswear items are offered at a discounted rate of 50% off the recommended retail price (RRP). Upon receiving your items, the cost will be added to your School bill.