The school embraces and celebrates diversity, honouring various cultures, backgrounds, and faiths. In our Chapel, The Chapel of Saint Michael and Saint George, we explore core values, encompassing democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect.
Our services, influenced by a Christian ethos, welcomes all faiths and those students without a faith, and encourages exploration of life’s issues from different perspectives. Weekly assemblies and services, including congregational singing and house-led sessions, foster community, and reflection.
Our Historic Chapel
Built between 1905-1909, holds stained glass windows, designed by Charles Eamer Kempe, dating from 1899. Initially at the School’s original location in Chelsea, they were moved to the present 150-acre site in 1909. The stained-glass windows acted as the School’s war memorial, until the schools cenotaph was unveiled in 1921.
Our Chapel also commemorates generations of Dukies’ war service and serves as a place for prayer, reflection, and remembrance; open to students, staff, and visitors alike.
We half expected to be met by a military parade (so much for preconceptions!) but instead were greeted by a chapel filled with boys and girls singing with impressive gusto, especially for 8am.’ – Good Schools Guide